In the vast expanse of Theraxia, a realm steeped in mystique and wonder, mythical creatures roam freely, their presence weaving a tapestry of enchantment and peril. Embark upon an endless journey through its varied landscapes, where every step unveils new mysteries to be unraveled and treasures to be sought. But beware, for amidst the beauty lies danger, and lurking in the shadows are monsters thirsting for confrontation, their formidable might waiting to be tested by those brave enough to stand against them.And so, the call of Theraxia echoes across the land, drawing adventurers from far and wide to test their mettle against its myriad challenges. For in this realm of fantasy and wonder, every encounter is a story waiting to be told, every quest a chance to carve one's name into the annals of legend. So gather your courage, sharpen your blades, and embark upon the journey of a lifetime, for in Theraxia, the adventure never ends.

The destiny calling us

The map of Theraxia

Hol'rak Village
Hol'rak Village stands as a bastion under the guardianship of an Orc Chieftain. Originally inhabited predominantly by Orcs, its population has since diversified, now accommodating humans, elves, and various mythical races. Despite its primarily Orcish roots, Hol'rak has embraced cultural blending and coexistence. The village is renowned for its abundance of travelers and merchants, drawn by the promise of rich ores and exotic plants found nowhere else. This influx of visitors contributes to the village's dynamic atmosphere, fostering a thriving marketplace and cultural exchange hub. Hol'rak's strategic location and valuable resources make it a pivotal trading post, ensuring a steady flow of commerce and interactions with neighboring settlements.

The Lost Woods
The Lost Woods are an enigmatic and dense forest shrouded in mystery, whispered about in tales and legends. This ancient woodland is believed to be inhabited by mystical beings such as faeries, fairies, nymphs and many more creature. Legends speak of travelers who have disappeared within the depths of the Lost Woods, never to be seen again. Some say the forest itself is alive, its twisted branches and shifting pathways conspiring to trap wanderers within its leafy confines. Despite the warnings and tales of peril, the allure of the Lost Woods persists, captivating the imagination of adventurers and storytellers alike. Its secrets remain veiled in shadow, enticing the brave and the foolish to seek out its hidden wonders, even as its reputation as a realm of eternal mystery and danger endures.

Dragonic Isle
Dragonic Isle is a scary island where no one dares to set foot because it's home to aggressive dragons. These dragons are fierce and dangerous, making the island a place to avoid at all costs. Legends tell of ships getting destroyed by these dragons if they get too close. Even though Dragonic Isle is full of treasure and secrets, it's not worth risking your life to explore it. The dragons that live there are too powerful and will attack anyone who tries to take their treasure. It's best to stay far away from Dragonic Isle and leave it to the dragons.

Theraxia City
Theraxia City stands proudly as the vibrant capital of the kingdom of Theraxia, a bustling hub of commerce, culture, and governance. While humans form the predominant demographic within its bustling streets and bustling markets, the city's gates are open to individuals of all races and walks of life. This diversity infuses the city with a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and perspectives, contributing to its dynamic and inclusive atmosphere. Amidst the towering spires and bustling thoroughfares, one can encounter a melting pot of languages, cuisines, and customs, each adding to the city's unique charm and vitality. Theraxia City serves not only as a political and economic center but also as a symbol of unity and harmony, where individuals from all backgrounds come together to contribute to the flourishing tapestry of the kingdom.

The Loner Ruins
The Loner Ruins stand as a haunting testament to a forgotten past, shrouded in mystery and fear. Nestled in a desolate corner of the land, these ancient ruins hold a grim reputation, with few brave souls daring to venture into their shadowed depths. Tales whisper of the eerie silence that permeates the air, broken only by the rustle of wind through crumbling stone and the unsettling sight of scattered bones and skulls littering the ground. The ruins' grim visage serves as a grim warning to any who would dare to tread within their forsaken halls. It is said that the spirits of the fallen linger within, their anguished cries echoing through the corridors, haunting any who would disturb their eternal slumber. Thus, the Loner Ruins remain a place untouched by the passage of time, a grim reminder of the perils that lie in wait for those who dare to delve too deeply into the secrets of the past.

Character List

Hol'Rak Village

  • Grok Uldrig

  • Orc

  • Blunt | Serious | Gentle

  • Zogg Kunum

  • Half Orc/Half human

  • Gentle | Shy | Quiet

  • Kog'garth Ironflare

  • Orc

  • Jolly | Funny | Happy

  • Elendir Nightchord

  • Elf

  • Lax | Poetic | Flirty

  • Zigg Molten

  • Half Goblin/Half human

  • Grumpy | Bad mouth | Tsundere

  • Victor Goldenhorn

  • Human

  • Playful | Flirty | Lewd

The Loner Ruins

  • Tharorin Nocturne

  • Drow

  • Intimidating | Irritable | Quiet

Theraxia City

  • Gavin Baynard

  • Human

  • Gentle | Shy | Calm

Dragonic Isle

  • Arkan Thalriss

  • Dragonborn

  • Overprotective | Serious | Overthinking

The Lost Woods

  • Onyx

  • Avianar

  • Jealous | Aggressive | Stoic

  • Kharak

  • Avianar

  • Aggressive | Stoic | Angry

Grok Uldrig

Occupation : Hol'rak Village Chieftain
Races : Orc
Age : 32
Height : 230 Cm.
Like : sound of laughing, peace, Strong ale, Meat, Party, Homemade food
Dislike : Liar, Monster

Born as a next chief of the Hol'rak village, he was only child of the chief of the Hol'rak village. Grok's parents is a pure strong Orc. He become a chief after his parents died. He has a pure kind heart and he let other people live in his village. He always protecting Hol'rak village from dangerous mythical creature.

Kog'garth Ironflare

Occupation : Owner of the Ironflare Forge
Races : Orc
Age : 32
Height : 220 Cm.
Like : Jokes, Money, Forging, His blacksmith, smell of iron, Strong ale, his best friend Grok
Dislike : veggies, fruits, illness

Kog'garth have an easy simple life in Hol'rak village, born in the family of the Blacksmith named 'Ironflare' Fascinated when his father forge a weapon while his mother is also a brillaint weapon and armor seller. He have a best friend name Grok, a chieftain of the Hol'rak village. When Kog'garth have a freetime, he love to hanging out at the Hol'rak Tavern.

Zigg Molten

Occupation : Wanderer Merchant
Races : Half Goblin Half Human
Age : 27
Height : 130 Cm.
Like : money, gold, silver, gems, sound of money in his pouch, meat skewer, his parents
Dislike : Talkative customer, customer that talk too much and didn't buy his items, someone bad talk about goblin or his mother

Zigg was born by a Male human miner and a female goblin baker. His mother is a Goblin that live in Hol'rak village while his father came from another village. Mostly Goblins are always have a bad reputation that's why some of the kids in the village mocking him about he has a goblin mother and he also a half goblin that's make him more anger and aggressive. He helping his mother sold his bread that's why he is good at selling and bargaining. when he 18 years old, he started his journey, left Hol'rak village and being a wanderer merchant until he was return with a ton of money. He will live with his parents for a while before left Hol'rak village again.

Victor Goldenhorn

Occupation : Owner of The Golden Horn Tavern, Sugar daddy of the tavern
Races : Human
Age : 51
Height : 190 Cm.
Like : Beer, Strong Ale, The Golden Horn, his only Employee named ░░░░
Dislike : Fighting, Blood, Kids crying sound, low grade Ale

Victor is an owner of 'The Golden Horn' a name of the Tavern well-known in Hol'rak Village. He never been in any relationship longer than 1 month and he has no plan to married too. He can go with Men and Woman but none of them can entertain him enough, until he took ░░░░░ as his only employee and something of him changing. He was a good friend with Elendir, his usual customer.

Zogg Kunum

Occupation : Owner of the Greengrove Farm
Races : Half Orc Half Human
Age : 27
Height : 210 Cm.
Like : His farm, A smell of dirt and rain, His farm animals, Flower, Quiet place
Dislike : Magic, Attention, Loud, Fire

Zogg was born in Hol'rak village and his father is an farmer Orc of the Greengrove Farm that resident in Hol'rak village, while his human mother is a traveller from the outside. Zogg's father was a pure Orc while his mother is a human. They fell in love and have him as a gift of their love, His parents still alive but go somewhere as a date and give him a farm to taking care. Zogg has a flock of cow, sheep and a bunch of chicken.

Elendir Nightchord

Occupation : A bard
Races : Elf
Age : ???
Height : 183 Cm.
Like : Music Instruments especially Lute, Talk about poem or music, Ale, Money
Dislike : Seeing his beloved lute broke

A lazy but also handsome elf, Born in elven village, He have a talent about poet or singing but his parents are dissatisfy about his talent so he decided to left Elven village and became a wanderer bard until he settled in a Hol'rak village. He will sit at the tavern all day and night, singing or playing a song. If someone hired him he will gladly sing for them.

Tharorin Nocturne

Occupation : Wanderer
Races : Drow/Dark Elf
Age : ???
Height : 195 Cm.
Like : Quiet place, Peaceful, Alone, Dark, Dusk, Sunset, Star gazing
Dislike : Crowded, Light, Sun, Hot weather

A drow are know as Dark elf. Drow are aggressive, Intimidating and Distancing themself toward everything. They not much showing themself to outsider, Drow prefer living underground and dark cave. They can't stand a sunlight, They will weak. Tharorin can't remember about his parents that much, he was raised by a mountain thef and learn to fight from them. When he grown up he decided to quit the thief gang and living alone in The Loner Ruins.

Gavin Baynard

Occupation : Noble Man
Races : Human
Age : 27
Height : 180 Cm.
Like : Book, His father Duke Baynard, meat, sweets, quiet place, library, green house, colorful bird, Demi human.
Dislike : Horse, crowded, thunder sound, arguments, being a center of attention.

Gavin was born in Baynard family, his mother died after she gave a birth of him making he always blame himself about his mother loss. Duke Baynard never accuse Gavin to make his wife died, but deeply care and concern about him. Duke Baynard will gave everything Gavin need for replace his mother's death and hoping Gavin would stop blaming himself. Gavin mostly love to quietly read a book in the library of Baynard estate and learn about everything. He love sweets and meat, so he also ate sweets while reading a book, causing him to gain his weight.

Arkan Thalriss

Occupation : Guards
Races : Dragonborn
Age : 32
Height : 210 Cm.
Like : Shiny little trinkets, Breeze, Sun light, Star gazing.
Dislike : Crowded, Over work, Rotten food, People misunderstand about the dragonborn, Liar, Disrespect toward their dragonic legacy.

Arkan was born into a family of dragonborn on Dragonic Isle. He lived a happy life in a small town named Nhil on the island, seeing only a few humans and other races. He never ventured beyond the isle, As he grew up, he discovered his talent for immense strength, which led him to become a guard and protector of his hometown. He took great pride in his role, ensuring the safety and well-being of his fellow dragonborn.


Occupation : Warior of Raven Avianar Tribe.
Races : Avianar
Age : 32
Height : 250 Cm.
Like : Meat, Cave, Rain, Flower, Wet dirt, Peace, Moss.
Dislike : Human, Loud, Other Avianar, outsider.
Other :
- Raven Avianar have a warrior culture, valuing strength, agility, and keen senses.
- Young Avianar undergo rigorous training to master the arts of flight and combat.
- Avianar are absolutely hostile toward outsider.
- Avianar are very rare, They mostly hiding and living in The Lost woods.
- Avianar Have only mate entire life, if their mate died They will be single until death.

Born into the Raven Avianar tribe, Onyx endured harsh training and trials from a young age. His pivotal moment came during the Trial of Feathers, where he survived alone in a dark cave to retrieve a Serpent's fang. This achievement cemented his status as a respected warrior. Now, as a guardian of his tribe, Onyx uses his keen eyes and swift wings to protect against threats.


Occupation : Warior of Eagle Avianar Tribe.
Races : Avianar
Age : 27
Height : 260 Cm.
Like : Sun, Fresh air, Fish, Windy, Rocky cliff, Fight, Challenge.
Dislike : Outsider, Other Avianar, Book.
Other :
- Eagle Avianar have a warrior culture, valuing strength, agility, and keen senses.
- Young Avianar undergo rigorous training to master the arts of flight and combat.
- Avianar are absolutely hostile toward outsider.
- Avianar are very rare, They mostly hiding and living in The Lost woods.
- Avianar Have only mate entire life, if their mate died They will be single until death.

Born into the ruthless Eagle Avianar tribe, known for their brutal hunting practices and fierce loyalty to one another. From a young age, Kharak was trained to be a formidable warrior, feared by all but his own kind. He quickly rose to prominence within the tribe, leading raids against other Avianar clans and even attacking humans who ventured too close to the Lost Woods. He was singularly focused on battle, uninterested in finding a mate or forming attachments.